So you want to start a business.
But odds are you won't...
Why? Just take a look at the numbers...
3 out of 5 people have an idea for a business at some point in their life.
Yet 91% of them never do anything with it...
And the biggest reason why: Money.
I’m Russell Bruson, the co-founder of ClickFunnels, and best-selling author.
I’ve written books on how to launch your own business and create wealth regardless of economic uncertainty.
See, 74% of would-be entrepreneurs say that lack of FUNDING is what’s holding them back.
They say things like...
“I want to start a business BUT... I need more money so I can...
One excuse after another.
I’ve heard it ALL before.
Talk to Barrie the banker and show him your credit score of 5,000, future projections, and history of successful ventures...
Don’t have that? Neither did we when we started ClickFunnels...
Sure, you can ask your uncle Larry the loan shark for some start-up dough.
Much less formal... and twice as risky.
Just make sure you pay him back on time, or else holidays might get… more awkward.
Then there’s...
In other words, you pitch to someone like Daymond John, “The People’s Shark,” and pray your idea will land (hint: MOST don’t)...
And if Daymond accepts (that’s a big “IF”)…then congrats! You have the People’s Shark on your team.
If Daymond did invest in your business, want to know what he would do with it?
He’d build you a funnel, just how he’s done for almost all of his other offers!
That’s because a funnel is the easiest way to grow your business online... without spending a small fortune.
And unlike a regular website, a funnel attracts customers and converts them into sales.
So, those are your options.
You could give an investor like Daymond half your company... ruin Christmas... or rob a bank.
You can join myself, Daymond, and over 20 elite entrepreneurs for Your First Funnel Challenge for FREE!
It doesn’t matter if you sell ecom, info-products, services, software, clothing, anything at all…
You want a funnel.
But to get started can feel daunting, with questions like:
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